I am retiring in 2024 and not seeing new cases. Please contact Dr Caroline Pet Behaviour Vet for further information. (I am still looking after my current clients’ needs).


Latest News


Dr Caroline Thursfield will be replacing me and seeing new clients in Hobart. Dr Caroline will be in Hobart on the 26th and 27th of February 2024, based at the Dog Clinic (4/148 Channel Highway, Taroona). More dates to be announced. Email her on drcarolinepetbehaviour@gmail.com. Her website is Dr Caroline Pet Behaviour Vet

Important changes for 2024

I am excited to announce that Dr Caroline Thursfield will be available to look after new behaviour cases in 2024 in Tasmania. (I will still be taking care of existing clients.)

Please contact her by email: drcarolinepetbehaviour@gmail.com. She will be away for study purposes from the 12th March to the 31st of March 2024. I will have more information shortly.

Her consultation fee will be $500 which includes 2 follow up phone calls or email correspondence. Her website: Dr Caroline Pet Behaviour Vet

Christmas Break 2023 and retirement 2024

I will be taking a break from December 11th to January 3rd 2024. I will be looking after you all again in 2024 but will be unable to take on new cases. I will keep you informed about ongoing behaviour assistance. Wishing you and your pets a happy festive season!

July break

I am taking a break from July 10th to July 30th 2023 and will be attending ANZCVS Science Week. See you after!

Summer Holidays

I will be on leave from the 1st of December 2022 to the 17th of December, and the 25th of January 2023 to the 10th of February. Wishing you all a safe and happy festive season!

urgent enquiry

Is this an urgent problem?

For vets and owners who are in need of urgent attention, in times when I cannot provide it, I can offer the assistance of abadog, a service which provides quick front-line advice. A questionnaire is completed by the owner and they will promptly receive a full behaviour report plus excellent behaviour modification advice. A report is also shared with the vet. The vet and client can then review this and decide if referral to me is required or what the next steps will be. All I need to assist with this process is the client's email and pet's name to get this into action. Cost is under $50. Email me at admin@katrinaward.com.au

Animal Welfare Act Tasmania Amendment Bill

The Tasmanian Government are finally looking to amend the Animal Welfare Act. Submissions closed on July 20th 2022. I am very happy to say that submissions were made by the Australian Veterinary Association, the RSPCA, CANA, Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary, Dogs' Home of Tasmania, Tas Dog Walking Clubs Inc, 10 Lives Cat Rescue and me (and possibly many more but those are the only ones to my knowledge). Let's hope for some reform and some improvement in the protection and welfare of all animals!

Cat Management Act changed

Starting today, the 1st of March, the rules have changed regarding cat ownership. Please make sure you follow the rules and do what you can to help deplete the number of feral cats we have in Tassie causing havoc with our wildlife.Responsible Cat Ownership in Tasmania | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (nre.tas.gov.au)

did you know you can make allowances for your pet in your will?

Clarence Council planning to reduce off-lead dog areas

Clarence is not looking like a brighter place for dog owners

Two rallies have been arranged by www.dogwalkingtas.org.au against the Clarence draft Dog Management Policy

1) Saturday 10 April 2021

10.00am Walk from Anzac Park to Simmons Park, Lindisfarne

2) 1.30pm Meet at Bellerive Beach, Lower River Rd access point

Both rallies will be on lead due to numbers even though the protests are about losing off-lead areas.

Please note- you have until April 12th to have your say on the Clarence City Council website: "schedule of declared areas 2021-2028" (PDF)

Nuisance Cats- do you know how to prevent your cat from becoming one and what to do if you are being harassed by one?

Cats make great companions, but they can also be a nuisance to your neighbours. Did you know that pet cats can visit up to 26 neighbouring properties in a week? Keep your community happy by keeping your cat indoors or on your property.

Useful information on how to contain your cat can be found on the At Home With Cats information page of the Kingborough Council.

If you are being harassed by unwelcome cats on your property, advice is also provided by TassieCats on what to do, humanely and lawfully.

Amendments to the Cat Management Act starting 1st March 2021

Amendments to the Cat Management Act 2009 are changing the way cats are cared for and managed in Tasmania.

​Some of the changes have commenced on 1 March 2021, with other changes commencing in March 2022 to give people time to adjust to the new requirements. Key amendments can are summarised on the DPIPWE site.

What is the yellow ribbon campaign?

Have you got a timid dog, a dog recovering from surgery, a dog that doesn't like being patted by strangers?

Do you have trouble asking well-intentioned people to stay away from your dog?

Then you need to know what the yellow ribbon campaign is all about. Even if you haven't got a dog that needs space, it is still good to know why someone else's dog might be wearing a yellow ribbon on the collar or lead. It means "please give me space!" See more on the yellow ribbon campaign.

This is a MUST READ for all dog owners!

Do you think your dog is dominant? Read this handout and learn the TRUTH

Do you want to know how your dog's behaviour compares to others?

If you would like to learn more about your dog's behaviour and how it compares to other dogs in the world, visit C-BARQ   It is a behaviour assessment tool and is free to all!


Terry Ryan is a wonderful trainer, of people and chickens. See what she helped us achieve in 2 days- Robin (the chicken) has learnt to peck a disc, and learnt to peck only the green disc!!

Seminar a success

I am pleased to announce the AVBIG Roadshow has been a huge success! Thank you to everyone who came and thank you to the speakers, Dr Gabrielle Carter and Dr Jacqui Ley for delivering an entertaining and educational set of lectures. Hoping for more in the future!

Want to know more about me?

Read this blog written by Anne Fawcett, veterinarian and journalist.

Do you know how to find a GOOD trainer?

Training is designed to teach your dog skills and behaviours to make him more pleasant to be around, to be polite company when out in public and it is great mental stimulation. Training should be fun, for both you and your dog.

Unfortunately dog training is an unregulated skill, so read here to make sure you have the best chance of finding a quality trainer for you and your dog.

Worrying news! Your vet is at risk!!

Did you know your vet is 4 times more likely to suicide than other members of the public? How extremely sad is that given they care so much for the well-being of all creatures (both human and non-human animals!)

If you would like to support a group focused on this, look here.http://https//www.loveyourpetloveyourvet.com.au/

Dog bites can be preventable

I have made a video about dog body language and bite prevention. Please watch it!

It is still a work in progress so excuse the soundtrack...

Pet Professionals call for training industry overhaul

Why do pet professionals want the pet training industry regulated?

The Association of Pet Dog Trainers Australia (APDT) and Pet Professionals Guild Australia (PPGA) have joined forces to promote the use of humane, positive reinforcement methods to Aussie dog owners and dog training industry.

“Reward-based training methods – using no force, no fear, no pain and no compulsion – are backed by scientific research*, are shown to work most effectively at improving behaviour outcomes and have no side effects on the dogs,” said Barbara Hodel, President of the PPGA.

The PPGA and APDT are calling for an overhaul of the dog training industry.

Read more here.

Animal Behaviour Tasmania

see what our customers say

"Lily came from NSW RSPCA a very nervous, noisy little dog. We tried to calm her down, reassure her, give treats, but nothing worked. She barked at everyone and everything. Katrina was our dog whisperer and she had all the answers and a special something. She helped us transform our Lily. We now have a very friendly, sweet little bundle of love that we can take anywhere. She’s happy, and so are we. Thank you Katrina."

Wendy, Kaoota

"Dear Katrina, Thank you so much for all your advice and support with my cat. She really was the “Cat from Hell” and now is quite tolerable. My one regret is that I didn’t contact you sooner. It isn’t overstating to say you’ve saved my sanity and her life."

Manina, East Launceston

" I found the class really great. I learnt a lot about why a puppy does something and how to deal with unwanted behaviour. Also, the reward system works great and I have found it to be an excellent way to train my puppy."


“My miniature poodle puppy was very frightened and anxious. I spoke with my vet who referred us to Dr. Katrina Ward. I was able to speak to Katrina and voice my concerns and she made a time to visit us in our home environment. From this first contact I felt so confident with Katrina and her ability to see Maisie's problems. Katrina gave me the skills, knowledge and a plan to help manage Maisie's insecurities as well as a folder with many hints and tips. I was able to keep in touch with Katrina by phone and email over the next few months until I felt Maisie had become more settled. I now have a very happy, relaxed and friendly little dog. My sincere thanks go to Katrina for her professionalism, care, compassion and understanding.”

Ruth Austin, New Town

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